Over the last couple of years, I have increasingly come to the realization that the goal of all goals that I have set for myself is "Happiness". This feeling/ emotion/ ”state of being” is the destination. While it is true in life that the fun is usually in the journey and not the destination, it is the destination that matters when it comes to seeking happiness. It is important to realise this, lest one gets lost and focuses only on the journey. The goals that I strive towards on a daily basis, the targets I have set, the things that I have accomplished are all milestones in the journey towards that "ideal state of being". The goals and accomplishments are there to lead me to the mother of all goals - Happiness. Without this destination my journey is futile.
So, I have spent time defining what happiness means to me and have promised myself to live an intentional life, keeping the mother goal in focus. If I cannot define what I am seeking, how shall I know what I am seeking? So, I have started off with my definition.
My definition of happiness
I would define happiness as “a combination of feelings that I experience and they are: Joyfulness, a general sense of well-being and optimism about everything, good health, an awareness that I am growing and learning new things which is fuelled by a general curiosity about and interest in a multitude of things, a feeling of serenity and equanimity, of loving and being loved, of gratefulness, abundance, contentment, and an overall sense of security.”
These feelings that make up happiness for me have been evoked by one or more of these activities - watching a beautiful sunset, mountains, a heavy rain, a mountain stream, being out in the nature, a good night's sleep, a good 30 mins meditation, hanging out and conversing with family and close friends, watching certain "uplifting" movies, laughing till my belly hurts, doing charity/giving back to society, empowering others, alleviating someone else's pain/problems, accomplishing something for which I have invested time and effort (such as gaining new knowledge, good health, financial security), seeing my loved ones realize their dreams, reading a good book, hearing "uplifting" stories, good exercise, simple home-made food, able to see beauty in small things - a dew drop, a butterfly, the sound of crickets, a leaf, a flower, children's laughter, a fragrance, a good song, a smile.
I shall come back often and review/re-write/refresh what I have captured above and keep this mother goal right at the centre of everything I do.
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