Friday, September 20, 2013

Conversations with Arjun 

Arjun: When will you get old ?
Me: I don't know. I'll tell you when I am old. Why do you ask ?
Arjun: No, I just want to push you around in a wheel chair like you pushed me around in a stroller.
Me : 
Conversations with Arjun

Arjun: Is Amma your wife ?
Me: yes.
Arjun: Are you sure or are you guessing ?
Me: I am sure.
Arjun: How do you know ?
Me: Because I was present there when she got married and she actually married me.
Arjun: Oh ok.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Arjun's quote for the day:
Why do I have legs and not wheels ?? I could have gone so fast !!!