Saturday, February 11, 2012

MBA at National University of Singapore

I have been procrastinating blogging about my studies. Ever since I joined the NUS MBA program in July 2011, life has rushed past at an incredible pace. Now, when the new admission season is on, I receive several emails from prospective applicants about the course, life at NUS and Singapore in general. So, I'll just set aside a few minutes occasionally and dump by thoughts here.

Anyway, For starters... rewind to April 2010 when I took my GMAT and TOEFL. Scored 720 in the GMAT (Q: 49, V:40) and 118 in TOEFL. Applied to a few schools - was wait listed at UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business. Meanwhile the receipt of NUS MBA Achiever's Award (scholarship) wiped off the sorrow of not making it to Berkeley. Joined NUS in July 2011 and was soon elected the president of the consulting club. I am in my second semester now.

Another post on Sem 1 courses to follow soon..