Monday, June 12, 2006

I have joined the Schenectady Wargaming Association. They seem to arrange games regularly during the week ends. I am off to see and if possible play one this saturday.It turns out that the studio is just about 2 miles from my home.
On another front i bought The Power of Gold : The History of an Obsession . It appears to be a real page turner. This seems to be the right season for History buffs. History Channel has been telecasting a lot of interesting programmes of late. All this seems to add fuel to fire and i am eager to attend the Historicon this year.


  1. You traitor! You did not even think once before defecting, did you? :)

    Seriously, way to go dude! Make sure you take a lot of photos and post them online.

  2. Hehehe... Well, you remember my motto, don't you ?
    "There are many Mother Lands"
    Then why not many gaming clubs ?

  3. Indeed :)

    Do make sure that you take many photos as well :)

  4. Sarth, What is this association abt. Can U elaborate.


  5. Sarath- not on my own computer so must be anonymous. Did you get to Historicon? Play in any games? buy any miniatures?

  6. Nope :-( had to drop the plan due to some official commitments.
